Monday, March 23, 2009

Our Athletes of Character

Our fantastic team...our "Athletes of Character". Triple Crown Tournament this weekend gave 1 win, 1 loss and 1 rain out for our team. Overall the kids had a great time playing together and having their parents and family supporting them in the stands. We are very proud of our team and look forward to their continued success in this organization.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Poker & Bunco Tournament to Benefit the Rebels

Poker anyone?? A Poker and Bunco Tournament has been scheduled on Saturday, April 4 to help raise money for our Rebels 9U Team with the help of our amazing parents and local businesses in our area. Our kids have really stepped it up the last few weeks and we are excited to see their progress over the next year....but all that takes time and money. We got the time, now just need the money. This Poker Tournament is geared not only for the card players and dice rollers, but we will also have a Gold Canyon Candle demonstrator, a High Fashion for us Low Budget people and possibly a jewelry demonstrator as well. Dinner and drinks are included in your entrance fee. Raffles and great prizes are waiting for don't delay and register today!
Visit our web site at for the registration form.
We thank you in advance for your continued support and look forward to the progress our team makes because of your help.